Sunday, May 1, 2022

Being the "First Woman"

There is a common theme when researching Lesley Visser and that is, she is a woman of "firsts". Almost every website and article with information on her said something along the lines of "the woman of firsts" or "another first for woman in sports, another first for Lesley Visser". Lesley Visser was one of the first woman in history to accomplish as much as she has in the sports broadcasting world. 

When I clicked on her website the first thing that comes up is her most notable list of accomplishments. A list of twenty or more "firsts". At first I was incredibly astonished that a woman could accomplish so much in a career. But then I realized why Visser is a woman of "firsts." Because prior to her there was no woman in sports media. There were a few woman here and there in sports media, but Visser was the first woman to compete her way through the men and tackle the challenge of becoming a well-known sports media woman. 

Her lists of first when it comes to experience is quite a long one, here is a list of her most notable "firsts." 
  • First and ONLY woman to conduct a Super Bowl Trophy presentation 
  • First woman on NBA finals 
  • First woman on the World Series
  • First woman on the Final Tour 
  • First woman assigned to a Super Bowl Sideline 
  • First woman sportscaster to carry the Olympic Torch 
  • First woman NFL analyst on TV and Radio 
  • First woman assigned a Legendary Series for Monday Night Football on ABC 
As you can see this list is long for it being her most notable accomplishments. Another thing you can derive from the list is that each one starts with "first woman" because she was the first woman to accomplish these things. She didn't just stick her foot in the door she kicked her way through. She was determined to prove to the male audience and counterparts that she was just as good at sports reporting as they were, and boy did she prove them wrong. She not only beat a lot of them out, but she paved the way for females in the sports industry. 

Although today the number of females going into sports media may still be less than that of men there is definitely an increase due to Visser's accomplishments. She as an incredibly significant female journalists. As a woman going into journalism I look up to her because she has proven to me that no matter where you are going into you can fight your way through the patriarchy. 

Visser is not only a woman of "firsts" she is a woman of inspiration. Not just to woman in journalism and the media, but to all woman. She is a reminder that woman are strong and capable of doing incredible things. Sports is not just for men, it can be for women too. 

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