Thursday, April 21, 2022

Collateral Murder? Julius Assange? Does Give the U.S. A Good Look

 The question that has being going around almost a decade is did the United States commit a crime? Julius Assange an Australian man who created and infamous website WikiLeaks Leaked a video from a U.S. military helicopter that showed soldiers killing innocent people. The people that were killed were war journalists. The U.S. military claims to have mistaken one of their cameras for a gun, however, in the video it does not appear to look like a gun nor do the people seem to pose a threat to the military. 

The big question surrounding this WikiLeaks post is: was this collateral murder? In my opinion yes, it was collateral murder. Why? Because in the video you can hear the pilot of the helicopter not only enjoying, but finding excitement in shooting the innocent men down. They seem excited rather than remorse to be in war. 

What was more concerning was the U.S.'s response towards the innocent murders. The U.S responded by saying that the murders were not on purpose and was a mistake on the soldiers involved. However, after the release of the video that changed the thoughts of many people. 

The other part that did not help the U.S.'s side was the fact that they went after Julius Assange who posted the video. Assange was not the whistle blower. He was not the one who found the information and released it, but rather the creator of the website that it was released on. He is now in Britain in a prison waiting to find out his fate. He has suffered a heart attack and his health his greatly declined. 

This is obviously not a good look for the U.S. A lot of people are not only disappointed but question other war crimes that the U.S. has covered up. I think that as time goes on more evidence will surface to support war crimes. 

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