Friday, March 4, 2022

The Struggle for the Female Voice to be Heard

As a woman I find it inspiring when I hear what women in the past have done to get their voices heard. Winifred Sweet was one of the woman that went above and beyond to express her voice as a female. She is remarkable because she wrote about important topics that were almost unheard of for a woman to be reporting on during her time. She accomplished many things, not only as a woman, but also as a journalist. However, her accomplishments did not come easy she faced many challenges. 

Women have always been given labels throughout history. Before feminism women were considered "weak", "caregivers", or even "not-smart". However, as times have changed that has proven to be not true. 

Sweet was given one name during her time as a journalist. "Sob Sister." defines Sob Sister "a journalist who writes human-interest stories with sentimental pathos." Sweet was definitely a journalist who writes human-interest stories with emotional passion. However, the name became a mark towards woman. It was often used as a label to say that woman were more emotional in their stories. The label caught on and most woman felt it was a disadvantage towards their writing. 

September of 1900 a hurricane swept through Galveston, Texas. The hurricane took 7,000 lives and was called the "Tidal Wave". 

Sweet wanted to share with the world the tragedy that had taken place, but as a female the police would not let her in. Sweet took it upon herself to dress as a boy and snuck past the guards. She took pictures and wrote a store for Hearst media. The published piece captured the horrific event. It helped raise awareness for the disaster. It even led to the Hearst company funding a relief hospital. 

Officials undermined Sweet because she was a female. She had to pretend she was a male reporter. Today, we know it was her who went out and reported on the disaster. It was her who helped care for those who were injured or had a loss. Sometimes passionate emotion is better than no empathy at all. 

Sweet was also known for her work in helping bring justice to the female race. She was not only a role model to women everywhere, but she also helped women fight injustice. 

Sweet was assigned to investigate the care women were being given in the emergency system. Sweet knew that if women were begin care for recklessly that she could not just march right in and begin asking. Instead, she had to find her way in a natural way. 

Sweet staged an "emergency test". She decided to faint in the middle of a public setting. People called an ambulance for help. However, she was not immediately brought to the hospital. She was probed by police. After the probing, she was brought to the hospital, but was treated rudely by the staff and doctors. 

Her test and report led to the discovery of a major scandal within the emergency system. She change the medical world for women. 

Sweet faced many challenges as woman, but she also paved the way for women in the world and in journalism. She is the reason I can study journalism in school today. She is the reason I can be a journalist in my future. She is the reason women are journalists reporting on war, the pandemic, and other important topics today. She changed the game for women everywhere and that is what makes Winifred Sweet so remarkable. 

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