Tuesday, February 8, 2022

A Reflection: The American Society of Magazine Editors

Chloe Brussard and Cassandra Mischak presented their EOTO projects on The American Society of Magazine Editors on Thursday afternoon. The America Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) is a group of individuals that are journalists and editors in the United States. The group of individuals was established in 1963. The ASME members fight for their First Amendment rights, and protects and serves as a spokesperson for editors and journalists. The society is a great way for journalists and editors to work together and meet new people. 

How Can You Become a Member? 
To become a member of the ASME you must be a journalist or editor. There are four levels of membership. The first is chief editor, second is editor, third is retired editor, and fourth is ASME NEXT. The board of directors is made up of 16 individuals that are elected every two years. 

Awards and Collaborative Work: 
ASME awards journalists and editors for their outstanding work. The awards have previously been for fiction writing, print magazines, and websites. The award ceremonies are meant to bring a link between historical fictional writing and the newer magazine and online writing forms. 

ASME works closely with The Association of Magazine Media (MPA). MPA works with journalists and editors to help them advocate for their First Amendment right in both federal and state levels. Both organizations work together as a backbone for journalists and editors to reach out to when they find themselves fighting for their First Amendment right. 

Pictured above: ASME award 

The Presentation and a Final Reflection: 
The presenters did a great job explaining the significance, history, and motive the group has to help journalists and editors. The ASME presentation caught my attention because the group offers protection of the First Amendment. It is common that journalists rights can be stepped on. The government and individuals do not like criticism. Journalists often find themselves fighting for their right of free speech and freedom of the press. This organization, along with the MPA helps combat the issues preventing journalists from pursuing their First Amendment. 

ASME also helps journalists and editors network. Having a group of individuals in the same career path helps them connect with each other. New and incoming journalists such as myself may have the chance to connect with someone who has been in the business for years. 

ASME is a great resource for individuals and journalists seeking protection of their First Amendment right or looking to begin a connection with another member. 

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